IEDM論文によりアン-クレアがIEEE-EDS日本チャプタの学生賞を受賞しました。 Anne-Claire receives the 19th IEEE EDS Japan Joint Chapter Student Award for her paper presented at IEDM 2020. 2021-02-10†
A.-C. Eiler, P.-M. Faure, J. Sugita, S. Ihida, D. Zhu, Y. Sakai, K. Fujiu, K. Komori, H. Toshiyoshi, A. Tixier-Mita, "Thin-Film-Transistor Platform for Electrophysiological and Electrochemical Characterization of Cells," IEEE 66th International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM 2020), Dec. 12-16, San Francisco, US. (online)