International Commission for Optics

Paper Deadline 3 March, 2017

Date: 21(Mon) – 25(Fri) August 2017

Venue: Keio Plaza Hotel, Tokyo

  1. Optical Design, Optical Materials, and Photo Lithography
  2. Vision, Color, Display and Lighting
  3. Optical Metrology
  4. Optical Imaging and Optical Information Processing
  5. Advanced Microscopy and Spectroscopy
  6. Bio-medical Optics/Photonics
  7. Nonlinear Optics
  8. Ultrafast Phenomena and Optics
  9. High Power Lasers and Applications, Laser Processing
  10. X-ray and High-energy Optics
  11. Milliwave/THz Photonics
  12. Near Field Optics, Plasmonics and Meta Materials
  13. Photonic Crystal, Nano Structures and Functions
  14. Optoelectronics and Photonic Devices
  15. Optical MEMS and Micro-optics
  16. Quantum Optics and Atom Optics
  17. Fiber Optics
  18. Optical Communications and Photonic Networks

Call for Papers


Publication List


Introduction to Dept. Informatics and Electronics, IIS

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Last-modified: 2023-08-14 (月) 21:09:59