#author("2023-08-21T12:36:25+00:00","default:hiroshi","hiroshi") #author("2023-08-21T12:38:48+00:00","default:hiroshi","hiroshi") *学振・サマープログラムフェロー&br;Lab hosted a JSPS summer program internship fellow.&br;2023-08-19 [#q3b217d7] #ref(2023-08-18B.jpg,right,around,zoom,200x200) #ref(2023-08-18A.jpg,right,around,zoom,200x200) The lab hosted a JSPS summer program internship fellow, Yéro Dia, from Université de Bordeaux, France, for two months from mid June through mid August. He sampled an idea of using a MEMS vibrational energy harvester combined with his rectenna-type elecgromagnetic energy harvester to drive electronics. The lab hosted a JSPS summer program internship fellow, Yéro Dia, from Université de Bordeaux, France, for two months from mid June through mid August. He sampled an idea of using a MEMS vibrational energy harvester combined with his rectenna-type microwave energy harvester to drive electronics. Yéro Dia [[LinkedIn>https://fr.linkedin.com/in/yerodia/fr]]