#author("2023-07-06T12:46:38+00:00","default:hiroshi","hiroshi") #author("2023-07-09T22:46:24+00:00","default:hiroshi","hiroshi") *Sensors and MaterialsからMEMSプロセス特集号が発行されました。&br;Special issue on MEMS process is online available at '''Sensors and Materials'''.&br;2023-06-27 [#oa192479] -Sensors and Materials: Special Issue on Advanced Microfabrication Processes for MEMS/NEMS --https://sensors.myu-group.co.jp/index.php?vol=35&no=6&sub_no=2 #ref(https://sensors.myu-group.co.jp/image/SM3300.jpg,zoom,300x300) +Ten Sekiguchi, Hidetaka Ueno, Vivek Anand Menon, Ryo Ichige, Yuya Tanaka, Hiroshi Toshiyoshi, and Takaaki Suzuki, "UV-curable PDMS Photolithography and Its Application for Flexible Mechanical Metamaterials," Sensors and Materials, vol. 35, no. 6(2), 2023, pp. 1995-2011. https://doi.org/10.18494/SAM4351 // +&color(LightSeaGreen){Gen Hashiguchi and Hiroshi Toshiyoshi, "An Electret MEMS Vibration Energy Harvester with Reconfigurable Frequency Response," Sensors and Materials, vol. 35, no. 6(2), 2023, pp. 1957-1983. https://doi.org/10.18494/SAM4367 }; //(in review 2023-04-06) // +&color(LightSeaGreen){Hiroaki Honma, Sho Ikeno, and Hiroshi Toshiyoshi, "MEMS Electrostatic Energy Harvester Developed by Simultaneous Process for Anodic Bonding and Electret Charging," &color(red){submitted to}; Sensors and Materials, vol. 35, no. 6(2), 2023, pp. pp. 1941-1955. https://doi.org/10.18494/SAM4402 }; //