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*Welcome Remarks &size(12){[[Japanese>[[Top Page]]]]};[#u79383ca]

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''Research Field:'' Welcome to the Optical and RF-MEMS Lab with Prof. [[Hiroshi Toshiyoshi>[[Members/Hiroshi Toshiyoshi]]]] and [[Prof. Agnes Tixier-Mita>[[Members/Agnes Tixier-Mita]]]]. We are a research group with the [[Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Micro-Nano Methods (CIRMM)>http://www.cirmm.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/]]((CIRMM = Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Micro-Nano Methods)) located at the [[Institute of Industrial Science (IIS)>http://www.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp]]((IIS = Institute of Industrial Science)), [[The University of Tokyo>http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp]], Tokyo, Japan.  Our research interest is in the optical MEMS, RF-MEMS((RF-MEMS = Radio Frequency MEMS)), and integrated MEMS technologies.

''Research Topics:'' You may find our research topics (accomplishment and on-going) at [[Research]].  
//Our lab life can be sampled at [[Lab Daily Life]] page.  
Click on the links on the left to find more about us, such as [[Members]] and [[Publication]].

''Student Admission:'' Our lab accommodates graduate school students (master and Ph.D course) within the [[EE (Electrical Engineering) course>http://www.eeis.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/]] of the University of Tokyo. Entrance exam information and lab topics for candidate students are at [[research high-light>[[Research High Light]]]].

''National Project:'' From March 2015, we operate a NEDO Leading Program on '''High Efficiency MEMS Vibrational Energy Harvesters for Trillion Sensors Society''' in collaboration with [[NMEMS Technological Research Organization>http://www.nmems.or.jp/]]. From December 2015, we also operate a CREST program ([[Scientific Innovation for Energy Harvesting Technology>http://www.jst.go.jp/kisoken/crest/en/research_area/ongoing/areah27-2.html]]) of JST on "Electret MEMS Vibrational Triboelectric Generation."




SIZE(10){© Optomechatronics Lab of Prof. Hiroshi TOSHIYOSHI (Micromachine System Engineering) within the CIRMM, IIS, the University of Tokyo}

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