#author("2019-02-17T14:22:33+00:00","default:hiroshi","hiroshi") #author("2023-08-11T23:42:27+00:00","default:hiroshi","hiroshi") *MEMS可変容量による800MHz帯VCO&br;MEMS Voltage Control Ooscillator for 800 MHz Band [#x0f8b800] -&color(Red){Details coming soon to the IIS Openhouse 2013 (May 31 - June 1).}; //-&color(Red){Details coming soon to the IIS Openhouse 2013 (May 31 - June 1).}; #ref(JRCswitch1.png,around,nolink,36%) #clear #ref(JRCswitch2.png,around,nolink,50%) #ref(JRCswitch3.png,around,nolink,48%) #clear #ref(JRCswitch4.png,around,nolink,33%) #clear *参考文献&br;References [#pbedf6ba] +Kenichiro Urayama, Koichiro Akahori, Nobuyuki Adachi, Hiroyuki Fujita, and Hiroshi Toshiyoshi, "A Low Phase-Noise VCO for Multi-Band Transceiver using Fully Packaged MEMS Electrostatic Varactors," in Proc. 26th IEEE Int. Conf. on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS2013), Jan. 20-24, 2013, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 737-740.