#multilang(en_US){{ *Miniaturization of Planar Lightwave Circuit [#y4caeb6f] }} #multilang(ja_JP){{ *PLC(光集積回路)の小型化 }} #author("2019-02-17T15:12:02+00:00","default:hiroshi","hiroshi") *PLC(光集積回路)の小型化&br;Miniaturization of Planar Lightwave Circuit [#y4caeb6f] #ref(miniaturization.jpg,left,around,wrap,35%) #multilang(en_US){{ Most planar lightwave circuits made of glass substrates are made large (from a MEMS point of view) because traveling light cannot make a quick turn in the waveguide but it leaks out of the core owing to the small difference of refractive indices between the waveguide core and the clad (substrate). Furthermore, the change of refractive index by, for instance, thermo-optical effect, is very small (less than 1 %), which makes the optical modulator large. The purpose of this project is to develop ultimately small optical circuits by using the silicon photonic band-gap crystal (PhC) waveguide with micromechanical optical modulator that works in the evanescent field over the waveguide. }} #multilang(ja_JP){{ 石英ガラス製のプレナー光導波路では,コアとクラッド間の屈折率の違いが小さいために,光を急な曲率で曲げることができず,その結果,光導波路全体が大きくなってしまいます.また,熱光学効果などをつかった光変調においても,屈折率の変化率が非常に小さいために,変調器の光路長を大きくすることで必要な変調を稼がざるをえません.そこで本研究では,この2つの問題を解決するために,シリコン基板によるフォトニック結晶光導波路と,エバネッセント領域で変調をかけるマイクロメカニカル変調方式の組み合わせを検討しました. }} Most planar lightwave circuits made of glass substrates are made large (from a MEMS point of view) because traveling light cannot make a quick turn in the waveguide but it leaks out of the core owing to the small difference of refractive indices between the waveguide core and the clad (substrate). Furthermore, the change of refractive index by, for instance, thermo-optical effect, is very small (less than 1 %), which makes the optical modulator large. The purpose of this project is to develop ultimately small optical circuits by using the silicon photonic band-gap crystal (PhC) waveguide with micromechanical optical modulator that works in the evanescent field over the waveguide. #clear #multilang(en_US){{ *Micromechanical Optical Modulation in Evanescent Field [#m44a5e4b] }} #multilang(ja_JP){{ *マイクロメカニカル構造を用いた近接場光の変調 }} *マイクロメカニカル構造を用いた近接場光の変調&br;Micromechanical Optical Modulation in Evanescent Field [#m44a5e4b] #ref(evanescent.jpg,left,wrap,around,51%) #multilang(en_US){{ It has been long known that the light traveling in the waveguide can be intensity-modulated by bringing a piece of dielectric/metal material into the close vicinity of the waveguide, which is called the "evanescent field," where a fraction of optical energy is smearing out from the waveguide core. We use the MEMS techinque to bring a micro piece of silicon into the evanescent field to induce optical modulation. }} #multilang(ja_JP){{ 光導波路の表面近傍には伝搬光のエネルギーがわずかにしみ出したエバネッセント領域と呼ばれる領域があり,この領域に誘電体や金属の小片を近づけると光変調がかかることがずいぶん前から知られています.この領域にシリコンのマイクロ小片を近づける機構として,MEMS技術を応用することにしました. }} It has been long known that the light traveling in the waveguide can be intensity-modulated by bringing a piece of dielectric/metal material into the close vicinity of the waveguide, which is called the "evanescent field," where a fraction of optical energy is smearing out from the waveguide core. We use the MEMS techinque to bring a micro piece of silicon into the evanescent field to induce optical modulation. #clear #multilang(en_US){{ *MEMS PhC Structure [#l3feeca8] }} #multilang(ja_JP){{ *MEMSーPhC構造 }} *MEMSーPhC構造&br;MEMS PhC Structure [#l3feeca8] #ref(PhCMEMSstructure.jpg,left,wrap,around,40%) #ref(PhCMEMSSEM.jpg,left,wrap,around,27%) #multilang(en_US){{ We used electrostatic operation of a polysilicon cantilever / bridge structure that over-hangs across the PhC waveguide. The PhC waveguide is made by silicon DRIE on a thin SOI layer, and the micromechanical structure is made by the surface micromachining of an LPCVD polysilcon film. }} #multilang(ja_JP){{ フォトニック結晶光導波路をまたぐように,ポリシリコン製のカンチレバー/ブリッジ構造を製作し,これを静電引力により駆動する方法を採用しました.フォトニック結晶光導波路は薄いSOI膜をDRIE加工して形成し,マイクロメカニカル構造はLPCVDによるポリシリコンを表面マイクロマシニングで加工して製作しました. }} We used electrostatic operation of a polysilicon cantilever / bridge structure that over-hangs across the PhC waveguide. The PhC waveguide is made by silicon DRIE on a thin SOI layer, and the micromechanical structure is made by the surface micromachining of an LPCVD polysilcon film. #clear *Contact Investigators [#z0a4e48d] -Akio Higo and Prof. Satoshi Iwamoto (IIS / RCAST, University of Tokyo) *Reference [#t8445e68] +A. Higo, S. Iwamoto, M. Ishida, Y. Arakawa, H. Fujita, A. Gomyo, M. Tokushima, H. Yamada, and H. Toshiyoshi, "Design and Fabrication of MEMS Optical Modulators Integrated with PhC Waveguides," [[IEEE/LEOS Int. Conf. on Optical MEMS and Their Applications:http://www.vtt.fi:82/ele/new/omems2005/index.htm]], August 1-4, 2005, Oulu, Finland. (to be oral presented, G4)