#multilang(en_US){{ *Flexible Electric Poster using Plastic MEMS [#la43b525] }} #multilang(ja_JP){{ *プラスチックMEMS技術を用いたフレキシブル電子ポスター }} #author("2019-02-17T15:10:20+00:00","default:hiroshi","hiroshi") *プラスチックMEMS技術を用いたフレキシブル電子ポスター&br;Flexible Electric Poster using Plastic MEMS [#la43b525] #ref(ikaprinciple.png,left,around,wrap,22%) #multilang(en_US){{ Another type of image display under development is a Fabry-Perot interferometer color pixel using a thin film of PEN (polyethylene naphthalate) layered over a ticker PEN sheet with an air gap trapped inside. Electrostatic attraction force close the air gap to make an interferometric color for the transmission light. }} #multilang(ja_JP){{ 従来の反射型電子ペーパーとは異なる原理の発色機構として,プラスチック系薄膜(PEN)を用いたファブリ・ペロ干渉計型のMEMSカラーピクセルを試作しました.反射膜を兼ねた薄膜アルミ電極に電圧を印加すると静電引力によりキャビティー長が変化し,間にある酸化膜厚で決まる干渉色が発色する透過型のカラーピクセルです.基板にプラスチック系材料を使うことができるので,曲がるディスプレーが構成可能です. }} Another type of image display under development is a Fabry-Perot interferometer color pixel using a thin film of PEN (polyethylene naphthalate) layered over a ticker PEN sheet with an air gap trapped inside. Electrostatic attraction force close the air gap to make an interferometric color for the transmission light. #clear *Thee Primary Colors [#wa0383a5] *三原色&br;Thee Primary Colors [#wa0383a5] #ref(RGBpreliminary.png,around,wrap,32%) #multilang(en_US){{ The color is pre-determined by the thickness of the silicon oxide layer over the semi-transparent metal electrodes. Thanks to the flexibility of the PEN films, the color pixel sheet can operate on a curved surface. We have successfully developed three primary colors (red, green, and blue). Color purity today is relatively poor compared with that of the conventional CRT (cathode ray tube); it will be improved by altering the layer combination and thicknesses. }} #multilang(ja_JP){{ 間の酸化膜厚を3種類用意することで,RGBの3原色に近い色を作り出すことができました.従来のCRTの色と比較すると純度が落ちますが,発色膜の膜構成を改善することにより,より美しい色を再現することができます. }} The color is pre-determined by the thickness of the silicon oxide layer over the semi-transparent metal electrodes. Thanks to the flexibility of the PEN films, the color pixel sheet can operate on a curved surface. We have successfully developed three primary colors (red, green, and blue). Color purity today is relatively poor compared with that of the conventional CRT (cathode ray tube); it will be improved by altering the layer combination and thicknesses. #clear #multilang(en_US){{ *Color Pixel in Electrostatic Operation [#o80037b6] }} #multilang(ja_JP){{ *静電駆動中のカラーピクセル動画像 }} *静電駆動中のカラーピクセル動画像&br;Color Pixel in Electrostatic Operation [#o80037b6] [[&ref(greenpixel.png,left,wrap,around,wrap,48%);>]] #clear *Reference [#qf00f8f9] +Y. Taii, A. Higo, H. Fujita and H. Toshiyoshi, "Electrostatically Controlled Transparent Display Pixels by PEN-Film MEMS", IEEE/LEOS Int. Conf. on Optical MEMS and Their Applications, August 1-4, 2005, Oulu, Finland. +SPIE News Room http://spie.org/x8775.xml?highlight=x2422 (in pdf &ref(SPIE_NR_flex.pdf);)