[[Publication/Press Release]]

*LIMMS Inauguration in 1994 [#aa158ba4]
Inauguration of LIMMS office 1994. Front from left to right: H. Yoshikawa (President of the University of Tokyo), J. B. Ouvrieux (French Ambassador), and F. Kourilsky (CNRS General Director).  On the back from left to right: J. J. Gagnepain (CNRS SPI Director).  LIMMS Directors M. de Labachelerie and D. Collard can be seen.

*IIS Old Campus in Roppongi [#b498573d]
(Left) Aerial photograph of IIS Roppongi Campus. Can you spot where the IIS is?  (Right) Our old sweet home lab.  A cleanroom was built inside in 1995. Everything started from this backyard.

*IIS Relocation in 2001 [#o62eb72a]
IIS moved to new campus in Komaba 2001

*LIMMS Scientific Committee Meetings [#d9cc51d9]
Scientific committee 1999 in Besancon.

LIMMS Scientific Committee March 22nd, 2002 in Tokyo

Reception on the night before LIMMS Scientific Committee 2003 in Paris

*Renewal of IIS-CNRS Memorandum in 2001 [#j9209fd3]

*VIP Visitors [#a85337d4]
Visit of Mdm Claudie Haignere (Minister for Research and New Technology), December 2003.

Visit of Monsieur Francois d’Aubert, Vice Minister for Research, November 2004
#ref(Francois d’Aubert2004.png,,10%)

*Members in Magazine [#w541a974]
LIMMS members on excursion to Kamakura, Summer 2004

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