*国際会議 Power MEMS 2019 ポーランド&br;International conference Power MEMS 2019 in Poland.&br;2019-12-04 [#r488a8ed]



*発表論文 [#h6520d3f]
+&color(black){%%%Hiroaki Honma%%% and Hiroshi Toshiyoshi, "Power Enhancement through Reduced Stray Capacitance by Airborne Electrical Interconnection for MEMS Electrostatic Vibrational Energy Harvester," The 19SUP{th} International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications ([[Power MEMS 2019>[[Meetings/Power MEMS 2019]]]]),  December 2-6, 2019, Kraków, Poland.}; (&color(blue){late news poster};)
+&color(black){%%%Y. Tohyama%%%, H. Honma, N. Ishihara, H. Sekiya, H. Toshiyoshi, and D. Yamane, "Energy Harvesting from Non-Stational Environmental Vibrations using a Voltage-Boost Rectifier Circuit," The 19SUP{th} International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications ([[Power MEMS 2019>[[Meetings/Power MEMS 2019]]]]),  December 2-6, 2019, Kraków, Poland.}; (&color(blue){late news poster};)
+&color(black){%%%Tatsuhiko Sugiyama%%%, Takuma Ishiguro, Yasushi Shibata, Hiroshi Toshiyoshi, and Gen Hashiguchi, "Wide Frequency Characteristic of Electret MEMS Vibration Energy Harvesters," The 19SUP{th} International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications ([[Power MEMS 2019>[[Meetings/Power MEMS 2019]]]]),  December 2-6, 2019, Kraków, Poland.};
// (&color(blue){accepted, poster};)
+&color(black){%%%Chikako Sano%%%, Manabu Ataka, Gen Hashiguchi, and Hiroshi Toshiyoshi, "Electret assisted low-power bidirectional electrostatic microspeakers," in Proc. 19SUP{th} International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications ([[Power MEMS 2019>[[Meetings/Power MEMS 2019]]]]), Dec. 2-6, 2019, Kraków, Poland, pp. XXX-XXX.};
// (&color(blue){accepted, oral, 2019-09-06};)

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