
*トウェンテ大学MESA+のNAMISワークショップに参加しました。&br;MESA+ at Twente University holds a NAMIS Workshop.&br;2016-07-04 [#yecce16c]



NAMIS workshop is an annual meeting of the researchers international network NAMIS organized by the IIS, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, in joint names with CNRS, France. NAMIS workshop of the year is held at the partner lab MESA+ with the University of Twente. Total number of official participants is 27, and 20 presentations are reported from the NAMIS network institutes including CNRS (France), KIMM (Korea), EPFL (Switzerland), MESA+ (The Netherlands), Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands), National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan), IIS, the University of Tokyo (Japan), VTT Technical Research Center (Finland), and Ecole Polytechnique of Monteal (Canada).



#ref(RW16-0704-4584- Groepsfoto Namis.jpg,right,around,zoom,300x300)

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