#author("2021-01-24T22:51:25+00:00","default:hiroshi","hiroshi") #author("2021-02-09T14:13:20+00:00","default:hiroshi","hiroshi") [[News]] *TFT基板のバイオ応用に関する論文が掲載されました。&br;A new paper on TFT for bio-application is early-access online now.&br;2021-01-24 [#d5b2d5d0] #ref(News/2021-01-24/2021-01-24A.jpg,right,nolink,around,zoom,200x200) A new paper on TFT (thin film transistor) for biochemical application is online now. Congratulations, Anne-Claire and Agnès! +&color(grey){Anne-Claire Eiler, Pierre-Marie Faure, Junichi Sugita, Satoshi Ihida, Dongchen Zhu, Yasuyuki Sakai, Katsuhito Fujiu, Kikuo Komori, Hiroshi Toshiyoshi, and Agnès Tixier-Mita, "Application of a Thin-Film Transistor Array for Cellular-Resolution Electrophysiology and Electrochemistry," IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices (special issue of IEDM 2020), vol. XXX, no. XXX, 2021, pp. XXX-XXX.}; (Early access available at https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9334401 ) +&color(grey){Anne-Claire Eiler, Pierre-Marie Faure, Junichi Sugita, Satoshi Ihida, Dongchen Zhu, Yasuyuki Sakai, Katsuhito Fujiu, Kikuo Komori, Hiroshi Toshiyoshi, and Agnès Tixier-Mita, "Application of a Thin-Film Transistor Array for Cellular-Resolution Electrophysiology and Electrochemistry," IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices (special issue of IEDM 2020), vol. ___, no. ___, 2021, pp. ___-X___.}; (Early access available at https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9334401 ) // (&color(blue){in preparation, 2020-11-20};)