#side(Hint) #author("2023-08-12T06:17:05+00:00","default:hiroshi","hiroshi") *Vacuum Chamber for MEMS Characterization [#cd05b2f5] #ref(MVC60A.jpg,left,around,wrap,40%) We have developed a handy vacuum chamber to measure the electromechanical characteristics of MEMS (such as amplitude-voltage, frequency response). A MEMS chip is set inside the chamber and vacuum evacuated. The chamber is small enouch (13 cm diameter) to be placed underneath the laser Doppler vibrometer. It has a glass window through which the MEMS device could be visually observed. #clear *Specification [#w658ec0f] |outer diameter| 130 mm| |inner diameter| 100 mm| |chamber depth| 60 mm| |tubes | 1/4 SUS Swedge Lock| #clear *Manufacturer information [#j799caa0] 有限会社UNICO~ 〒302-0034~ 茨城県取手市戸頭1-11-15~ TEL:0297-78-5354~ FAX:0297-78-9383