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***How to join the MEMS Cleanroom Users
If you are not yet an official member of Fujita & Toshiyoshi group on MEMS/NEMS but would like to use our cleanroom facility for your process, please follow the instruction to obtian permission:
+Talk to responsible supervisor/advisor of yours that you would like to use our fab
+Your supervisor/advisor calls one of us ([[Prof. Fujita:nospam_fujita@iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp]] at x56248 or [[Prof. Toshiyoshi:nospam_hiro@iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp]] x56276) <-- remove '''nospam_''' before sending e-mail.
+We will get together to discuss your research plan and to agree on our [[Collaboration Policy]]
+Your request is accepted, in most cases
+Get ready your insurance policy that covers damages, loss, and medical cost of yours as well as of others caused by your action in the lab.
+Understand our [[Equipment Reservation Policy]], superuser system, and routine duty in cooperative management of the lab (weekly cleaning schedule, lab maintenance).
+You will be one of [[us:http://www.fujita3.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/lab/user/]]  and enrolled in the CR e-mail list (nospam_cr_user@fujita3.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp).
+Say hello to us (nospam_cr_user@fujita3.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp) at your earliest possible opprtunity
+Start leaning how to use equipment by asking instruction given by [[superusers:http://www.fujita3.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/lab/equip/su_in_user.shtml]].  Use official lab [[manuals:http://toshi.fujita3.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/home/Lab_Equipment/Lab_Equipment.html]].

+Find your research partner from among the senior CR users.  You will enjoy more chance of knowing tricks to get you on the fast "car-pool" lane!  Never attempt to do anything alone if you are totally new and stranger.  Do not waste your time (Hiroshi ;-)
+Keep your eyes on the e-mails to (nospam_cr_user@fujita3.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp).  Useful hints are everywhere.  Most e-mails related to CR come with brief English abstract.

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